
Cadillac Man Accused of Child Pornography Facing Charges in Federal Court

Brian Sevrey, a 56-year-old Cadillac man who is accused of child pornography, was facing state charges in Wexford County in connection with allegedly sexually exploiting a 2-year-old girl, according to news articles at  Sevrey will now face federal charges as an indictment has been filed and Sevrey transferred to Grand Rapids from the Wexford County Jail.

The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children was notified by Google; Michigan State Police were then notified by the agency of Sevrey’s activities which allegedly included using a computer to commit a crime.  In all, Sevrey faces five charges which include child sexually abusive activity and distributing child pornography.  If convicted of the charges against him, Sevrey will spend a minimum of 15 years in prison, and up to 30.

Court records revealed that Sevrey had the 2-year-old girl engage in conduct that was “sexually explicit” so that he could photograph her private areas.  According to the indictment filed in Grand Rapids U.S. District Court, the defendant also touched the girl while photographing her.  Sevrey was scheduled for an arraignment and detention hearing on April 28 before U.S. Magistrate Judge Hugh Brenneman Jr., and is being held without bond.

Cases involving the alleged sexual abuse of young children are indeed sickening.  In some cases, the evidence against the accused individual is difficult to argue with.  However, there are many situations in which young children are coerced by adults to say things that are not true.  For example, a mother of a young child may attempt to make it look as though the child’s father is somehow sexually abusing the child in order to prevent the father getting custody or even visitation rights.

Regardless of the circumstances and whether the accused is innocent or guilty, it is imperative to consult with a skilled and aggressive sex crime defense attorney when accused of child pornography, rape, Internet sex crimes, or any related offense. The criminal penalties are extremely harsh and may include years in prison, a criminal record, and the requirement to register as a sex offender; ruin of your reputation and career is almost guaranteed without the support of a capable lawyer.

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