
Cascade Township Massage Therapist Arrested for Criminal Sexual Conduct for the Second Time

In late March, Lawrence Urban was arrested after a customer at his massage therapy clinic, the Therapeutic Stress Free Massage Center in Cascade Township, alleged that Urban touched her inappropriately during a massage. After investigating the allegation, Urban was charged with 4th degree criminal sexual conduct and released on bail.

Now, the 49-year-old man has been arrested yet again in connection with a customer who said that she was sexually assaulted in late January or early February as she received a massage from the suspect. The Kent County Prosecutor’s Office reviewed this information and authorized an additional two count warrant for 4th degree CSC. After his arrest on April Fool’s day, Urban bonded out on $10,000 that same day.

According to police, Urban admitted to touching a female client’s genital area after asking the woman if she wanted an orgasm. Kent County Sheriff’s Detective Jason Russo said that after the woman answered no, Urban told her that “your body is telling me one thing, but you are telling me another.”

Russo said that Urban told him the woman way lying on the massage table in a face-down position, and that he did touch her genitals without her permission. Urban told police that the way the client’s muscles felt and her body language indicated to him that she desired to be sexually pleasured.

Police continue to investigate the allegations against Urban.

Michigan sex crime defense lawyers are dedicated to protecting the freedom and reputation of those charged with sex-related offenses. As in this case, it seems that often times after one alleged victim comes forward, others begin coming out of the woodwork. While it cannot be determined what situation is in this case, innocent people are often wrongfully accused of crimes they did not commit.

If you or someone you know have been accused of sexual assault, rape, child molestation, or any offense that is sexual in nature, it is imperative that you contact an experienced Michigan sex crime defense attorney immediately. Without capable legal counsel, your reputation and career may be ruined for life, not to mention the possibility of losing your freedom.

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