
Quincy Board of Education Hears Comments Regarding Branch County Teen Accused Of Criminal Sexual Conduct

In a teen criminal sexual conduct case that has received national attention, the Quincy Board of Education met yesterday to determine whether a 17-year-old Quincy High School senior accused of statutory rape may continue playing on the varsity football teen. The 17-year-old has not been convicted of any sex crime.

Whenever an individual is under investigation for or accused of a sex crime, speaking to an aggressive Michigan sex crimes defense lawyer immediately is critical to protect your reputation and begin preparing a vigorous defense. Sex crimes charges often create a social stigma – stirring up communities and debate – even before the allegations have been investigated and you’ve had a chance to defend yourself. A knowledgeable sex crimes defense law firm can get to work right away to safeguard your rights.

Here, the youth was charge with third degree criminal sexual conduct, sometimes referred to as statutory rape. CSC 3rd degree involves some sort of penetration of the alleged victim, but is a lesser crime than 1st degree criminal sexual conduct (also referred to as rape) or 2d degree criminal sexual conduct. Although all the facts and circumstances of this case are unknown, teenage sex cases often involve harsh consequences and unjust results. Many times, the conduct of two teens involved in a consensual relationship turns into criminal sexual conduct charges where one of the teens is older than 16 and one is younger. Even if the person under 16 years of age says yes, if the partner is older, he or she may be charged with statutory rape. A conviction of statutory rape carries harsh consequences – up to 15 years in jail.

To protect yourself from this injustice, you need an aggressive Michigan criminal sexual conduct defense lawyer who understands how to challenge the evidence and prepare a vigorous defense.

No decision has been made yet on whether the school district will allow the boy to continue playing football.

For more information, or if you are under investigation for or have been charged with any Michigan sex crime, contact the Michigan sex crimes defense law firm of Grabel & Associates, P.C. at once to protect your future and your freedom.

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